
The quarterly journal “fonsence” is a new-sense magazine with leading edge of the era with ancient wisdom. Japanese edition was launched on September 23, 2018, as a magazine that will be distributed to support human creativity.
“fonsence” is a coined word that represents people who are living using their own natural power.
Along with this “fonsence people” We would like to create an integrated space where wisdom, art, culture, etc get together. The space is a glass conical 7-storey building, named Chakra Building.
This magazine started as the first step in activities towards the founding of the Chakra Building.
We will continue to bring you magazines mainly on Human mechanism, Akashic Records, astrology, and child care that utilizes these, travel, art, clippings, crafts, space, sounds, stones, bodies, health, etc.
The order is this!
fonsence English Edition
Journey. Gallery introduction・・Gallery of the Sea
The Akashic Records
・Access to Cosmic Library, “the Akashic Records”
・Most Popular Questions for Akashic Reading
・Antenatal Memories & Holographic Human Beings
・What is a Life Purpose?
・Multi-dimensional Seven Layers of Human Beings
Talking Wisdom at Atelier(illustration : Coco)
・Everybody Accesses the Akashic Records
・Less Clouds, More Access
・Events Written in the Akashic Records Always Happen or Not?
・Akashic Reading, Horoscopes, and Tarots
・Movies, Animations and Comics as the Akashic Records
・Focusing on Coming True or on Knowing Yourself
Crystal Days
・Talking about a crystal. Centient Plasma Quarts
・TD stellar Map : tres dimensiva stella map, the horoscope is represented in three dimensions.
・Horoscope bracelet : The horoscope contain your possibility. The horoscope bracelet express it with natural quarts.
Double Poles ( Yin-Yang ) Unification
・Dimensional rise of the earth
・Going back and forth between double poles
・Dreams come true naturally
Unit “fonsence” Plans Chakra Building in Hiroshima in 2024
・What is “fonsence”?
・What is the Chakra Building?
・Why in Hiroshima?
・What is a pure intent?
・People living true self
・What is Kirieka
・paper cutting art. “Kirie”
・Stars and Sound
Sabian Symbol LEO 30 Degrees “The Unsealed Letter”
Setouchi garelly(English edition limited)
・Hiroshima A-BOMB DOME
・Hirochima Castle
・Open space around Hiroshima Station
・Setouchi Megijima Island
One of the main translators Ms.Dana
Thank you for purchasing this magazine and reading my poor English. It’s my first time to translate spiritual articles.
I focused on being transparent to express the energy of the articles. It is very unique and pure because this is the first issue. I believe that it is like a sprout or a new-born baby. So succeeding issues will have the other energies. Please feel the energy and essence of the articles and catch up with the fonsence members and magazines.
Comments are welcomed via the second Instagram account as below:
Dana – Instagram accounts: feliceognimomento/dana_feliceognimomento
4 main members of fonsence
Wisdom of the stars and Akashic Records reading ・・・Hirota Naoko
Ascension Navigator・・・seiko
Homeopathic nature therapist who loves stones・・・Minako Nakagawa
Kirie artist with a sense of space・・・Hiroko Kanemoto
We are creating this magazine with the artist who helped to start the issue.
The order is this!
fonsence English Edition
The order is this!
fonsence vo.1 Japanese Edition
Photo Galally in Misen Miyajima Hiroshima
Thank you!
Have a nice day!